Pi2 PR

CEE Business Summit 2025 | Join the region's most prominent entrepreneurs and business leaders!


Providing trust as a service

  • Technology & Innovation
  • Corporate reputation. Earned media.


After being validated by the European Commission, EvroTrust embarked on a €2.5M international expansion in the CEE, addressing stakeholders in Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary. The trusted provider needed to build brand awareness abroad, establish trust in new markets, and start building its regional positioning.


Pi2 crafted a regional media campaign focused on increasing awareness of the corporate brand and product. We addressed both B2B and B2C clients with a clear narrative to explain its benefits and differentiators in order to establish credibility and clearly communicate the service in an understandable way for potential partners and clients, while building on the visibility of its spokespeople internationally.


We used our media relations tools to highlight EvroTrust eID’s USPs, while explaining its benefits for EU individuals and companies, and thus, providing them with a solution to access public services digitally. We leveraged Evrotrust’s existing achievements to enhance credibility and trust, while combining newsworthiness with target messaging.


+ 55 earned media articles across + 3 countries per announcement
+ 3.5 million impressions on earned media per regional campaign
+ 23 clients mystery shopping in 3 countries